Saturday, October 1, 2016

Why I do not like to advise on hair problems

I have always been pretty reluctant to answer any questions regarding hair growth, hair conditions e.t.c. If you have ever DM’d me or sent me an email, you may have noted either my reluctance or been the recipient of a delicious new option that opened up to me: I refer you to an actual professional whose business is everything hair. Someone who has taken several courses specifically detailing hair and scalp diseases and who has even done an internship with a reputable “senior” in the business.
You see, I think that one has to be careful where one gets one advice from. I have time and time again seen instances where people reach out to the wrong people for help – for thinning edges, for accelerated hair growth e.t.c. and the standard advice is to
  • Use Coconut Oil
  • Use Castor Oil
  • Throw in some stimulating essential oils.
  • Lay off weaves and braids
Something along those lines. Some people are more creative than others.
Sometimes, these tips work – for some time. Other times, the symptoms may be a sign of some more serious underlying problem which may need escalating to resolve. I always like to involve the right people in problem solving and most of the time, that involves some who is QUALIFIED. Writing about my hair does not make me a professional. In fact if we must trust the professionalism, I am a professional about my hair. Sometimes.
The same is true of skin care conditions. People write me all the time about how to lighten their skin, maintain their coloring e.t.c. These are the mild requests. I get quite startled how people trust me (just because I blog) with what reads as real problems that MUST be entrusted to a doctor.
So, I am here to reiterate what I have said in those mails – see the right people for your problems. Hair and Beauty bloggers have their functions but unless they have a qualification that enables them to deal with serious matters, go to the right people.
Some people that have gone bald could have saved themselves a lot of time and money and maybe even arrested the baldness by going to see a trichologist in the first place instead of rubbing in onion juice, carrot juice, coconut oil and castor oil on their hair. The ones I have recommended in the past are: DBKTricho as well as Tresses by Vera Cruz.
In fact, your skin/hair’s condition may be indicative of underlying disease or conditions which you should immediately see a doctor for. Turning to someone like me does not help you discover that. A trichologist might. A dermatologist might. It may well save your life – to be mildly dramatic.
Plix and Plix (Please and Please), trust your hair issues to a professionals. By all means, do what you can but where you find that things are getting out of hand, stop “self medicating” and do see a professional.
As a matter of fact, the new products we have were made with the very active input of a renowned hair stylist (who has seen and touched more hair than I ever will) as well as a trichologist. You see, I did not even rely on just my own knowledge (which is pretty awesome, seeing as I understand the Chemistry of ingredients and end products) to develop these items. Very telling.

